Artist born and living in Barcelona, specifically in Cerdanyola del Valles. Graduated in Fine Arts and currently a student of Graphic Art, she has based her career mainly on digital illustration, tattooing, screen printing and muralism, always based on drawing as a base and as her own language. Although also a lover of jewelry and having worked in that sector, she chose to follow the path of visual narrative.

Winner of the Patrim 2021 Award, by the Faculty of Fine Arts of the UB and scholarship holder at the Siena ART Institute in 2020. Her work and way of communication is about talking about herself through talking about those who surround her, her friends and close people. Always surrounded by ambitious colleagues, creators, artists and musicians, giving each other space in their projects and forging their careers hand in hand.

Tana has exhibited in our gallery Krucopia in a project that encompasses oil painting, digital illustration, sculpture, 3d printing and more.

Painter and Digital Ilustrator.